Mounting Instructions: Pancake slip rings 2021-07-10
The Pan cake slip ring has two relatively rotating upper and lower slip rings, when installing, it is necessary to fix the rotor part, and then insert the anti-rotation bar into the anti-rotation tab to ensure a certain degree of freedom. Do not forcibly fix the anti-rotation tab, otherwise it may damage the slip ring or shorten the service life.
Mounting Instructions: Capsule slip ring with stator flange 2021-07-10
Capsule slip ring is designed with flange, and to be mounted with screws, as the flange is a part of stator side, it should be fixed on the static part. The rotor should be driven with a flexible drive coupling to accommodate any differences in the assembly and slip ring’s axis of rotation.
Mounting Instructions: Capsule slip ring with rotor flange 2021-07-10
The slip ring rotor and stator are difficult to ensure concentricity when mounting, secure rotor flange on the slip ring to the rotating body with 4 screws on the rotating part (or transition flange of rotating part).
Hybrid Microwave slip ring and electric slip ring solution 2021-05-29
Hybrid Microwave slip ring and electric slip ring is mainly applied to related equipment such as radar and microwave.
Mounting Instructions: Through-bore slip ring with flange 2021-07-10
The slip ring rotor and stator are difficult to ensure concentricity when mounting, secure the slip ring to the rotating shaft with 4 screws.